
1000s of people have attended workshops and speaking engagements by Chikara Consulting and Oskar Andermo. Below are some testimonials from previous attendances:

Speaking engagement:

Speaking engagements:

Marion Mueller

Knight Tours

We herewith like to thank Oskar for the amazing job that he did as a guest speaker for one of our clients. Oskar has a great ability as a speaker to get the attention of the audience and to involve them actively in his presentation. Our client was very satisfied and we received very good feedbacks from the participants.

Dr Mehdi Fathi

Congress organizer, Iran

I am writing to say my warmest greetings to Oscar Andermo for his nice presentation entitled "how to use technology for peak performance in life and business” at the international congress on mental training and neurobehavioral sciences, which hold by Iranian scientific society of clinical hypnosis on 26-28 Oct, 2017.Mashhad,Iran.

Devina Dsouza

The session was very motivating and inspiring and truly helped me think about my goals in life and how I can achieve them. Extremely helpful session.

TUGS Dubai:

Eva Karlsson

NLP Proffesionals

“Setting goals is essential to achieving good results. Making it in the amazing desert environment led me to think bigger, bolder and braver. Great inspiration and coaching by Oskar Andermo in a magical setting.”

Zeta Yarwood

Zeta Yarwood Life Coaching

The goal-setting really gets you to think about what you want out of life, what makes you happy and what's important to you. Being in nature, on the top of a sand dune at sunset, adds a certain level of calm and peace which allows you to think in a clear and unstressed manner - something normal life very rarely allows. Great fun and useful!"

Indu Varanasi

architect & director

Nature is a great inspiration. It constantly tells us how to look for more than one way of achieving things through a process of evolution. The very setting of sitting in nature's lap on the sand dunes with the setting sun was enough to open the mind to the questions which Oskar had just posed to us. In his calm, quiet manner Oskar implored us to look within and find our answers. Observing the variety in which the grains of sand come together to form patterns on the dunes, each pattern is different from the other, it is these details in which we create our lives by finding our answers. Would suggest everyone to go through this exercise, it is like a cleans exercise on of one's soul and being. Thank you for creating the opportunity.

Fiona Swaffield

Owner & Event Director – Siren Events

As a business owner there is always one more email, one more meeting or one more call to make before I can schedule time to think about me and what my life goals are.  The goal setting seminar in the Dubai desert was an invaluable experience. An amazing setting to take time to truly think about my life goals, meet new people and even better to leave with a clear action plan.

Steve Cronin

CEO, Om Life

I had a great time at Oskar's desert seminar. First, it was just really energising to get out of the city into the desert on a no-hassle trip. The process of goal-setting alone on a sand dune as the sun was setting was memorable. With no distractions and surrounded by stunning landscape, I was able to think deeply about what I had and had not achieved in the past year and how I was going to make the most of the future years. Oskar has many insights to share about goal-setting and frankly, I could have stayed out there all night. A truly unique experience, with the added benefit of shaping your future - highly recommended by me.  

TUGS Stockholm (Swedish):

Vill du utmana dig själv och få verktyg att lyckas med dina mål så passar TUGS Stockholm perfekt. Spännande miljö ute i Skärgården.

Christer Axen


Tack för en mycket fin dag! Tänk att nåt som ser så bistert ut vädermässigt kan bli så bra! Jag ska göra allt jag kan för att rekommendera TUG !

Maud Wiren

By Maud

Efter att ha ägt och drivit en eventbyrå i över 25 år har jag sålt och lämnat byrån. Jag arbetar numer med event management som frilansande konsult. Det är en stor omställning i livet och när jag fick chansen att delta vid TUGS Stockholm tvekade jag inte. Jag behövde tiden att reflektera, tänka igenom vad jag vill och vilka utmaningar jag står inför i mitt nya arbetsliv. Jag tilltalades av tanken att göra detta i en fri miljö och att vara ute till sjöss på en katamaran ger onekligen sinnet en chans att fokusera och bara se möjligheter. Jag kan varmt rekommendera Oskar Andermo och hans TUGS (The Ultimate Goal Seminar) Stockholm för en ledningsgrupp, avdelning eller enskilda företagare att delta i detta målseminarium. Här ges en möjlighet att byta erfarenheter, ta lärdom av andra och utveckla dig själv och företaget att nå satta mål.

Anton Nordström

Copywriter, entrepreneur

I början var jag osäker på om det här var rätt för mig. Jag trodde inte att ett endagsevent kunde vara så omvälvande som en del säger. Men jag tänkte 'varför inte?' Som tur vad så hade jag helt fel. När vi kom tillbaka till hamnen så kände jag tydligare än på länge exakt vad jag behövde göra för att ta mitt företag och liv framåt. Tack Oskar, jag hade aldrig fått det här genombrottet utan TUGS!

Mikael Mörtsjö


Jag har varit på en mängd olika workshops som handlar om personlig utveckling och företagande. Ingen har dock varit så kraftfull som TUGS. Att vara till havs tillsammans med Oskar och en grupp med likasinnade var för mig överraskande kraftfullt.